
We are very pleased to be the new home of Biothermal Imaging, a longtime resource for thermography in the Hudson Valley. Digital infrared thermal imaging (DITI), or thermography, is a simple and non-invasive clinical test that can increase the chances of identifying breast disease and other inflammatory conditions at a very early stage.

The marriage of Chinese medicine and thermography is an absolute perfect match.

That “the superior physician treats that which is not yet ill” is an adage of ancient Chinese philosophy every holistic practitioner aspires to meet. Thermal imaging gives a very accurate visualization of imbalances in the body, often before any discomfort has presented itself. Chinese Medicine specializes in correcting subtle energetic imbalances and accumulations in the body. This pairing is an incredible tool for supporting wellness and cultivating abundant health.

Thermography sessions are offered by Rachel Firak and Dr. Jennifer Crane.

Rachel Firak is a longtime student of herbal medicine and is currently pursuing her Masters of Science in Acupuncture with a Chinese Herbal Medicine Specialization at Pacific College in New York City. She is grateful to be joining Dr. Crane in offering this service to our community and honored to be continuing in the footsteps of Susan Willson, who has been a true pioneer for women’s and holistic health in our region.

For more information, visit Biothermal Imaging’s website.

To learn more or schedule an appointment, please submit the following form and our team will reach out shortly.