

Not yet in flower, but preparing to unfold… Yarrow (Achillea millefolium) is maybe the most common choice for an herbalist’s favorite plant. I’m no exception! This is an amazing first aid ally - the above-ground herb from leaf to flower is an unparalleled wound healer. The scientific name, of course, refers to Achilles, as his invincibility came from being dipped in yarrow up to his heel, which his mother held as she dipped him into the pot. Yarrow is a powerful diaphoretic when drunk warm, serving double duty as an antimicrobial / sweat-inducer, and is thus a fabulous choice for febrile illnesses. I recommend combining it with a sweeter, warmer and less bitter, such as hyssop or monarda/bee balm! If drunk cool, it’s a diuretic and combines well with goldenrod for urinary tract infections. Yarrow is seen as a symbol of strong boundaries, and its flower essence is used for this energetic purpose.




Dame’s Rocket