Coltsfoot and Horsetail


Coltsfoot (Tussilago farfara) is also called Son-before-the-Father for its unusual life cycle - sunny yellow flowers appear first on long scaly stalks, followed by large soft leaves whose shape reminds us of a horse’s hoof. Leaf and flower are both used as medicines for respiratory tract conditions, particularly coughs. It is known in European and Chinese medicine, where it is known as Kuan Dong Hua.

In this picture, near the bottom, one can also see the broken stalks of last year’s horsetail, or scouring rush (Equisetum hyemale), Horsetail is a silica-rich plant used to support skin, hair, and bone health in Western herbal medicine. In Chinese medicine, this plant is known as Mu Zei and is classified among the plants that release the exterior, or treat illnesses that occur within the first layer of the body. As its other name, scouring rush, suggests, this sturdy plant can be crumpled and used as a mild abrasive on surfaces.



