About this blog

The idea for this blog came from Dr. Jennifer Crane - thanks Jenn! And the information shared in this blog comes from many sources over the 15+ years I have been eagerly studying plants.

I give thanks to all dear friends who have gathered food and medicine by my side, and all the teachers I formally studied with, in particular Leah Wolfe, 7song, Matthew Wood, Paul Bergner, and Halyna Shepko, though what I share here may differ from what they taught :)

I also want to express my gratitude to Thomas Eisman, my first and favorite teacher of the wild things on Seneca Lake so many summers ago, the often-unsung authors of dog-eared field guides found in library book sales, and my grandfather’s mother, Augusta, whom I never got to learn from but gathered goldenseal and agrimony for healing on her Ohio Valley farmstead.

Finally, I want to thank the ancestors, human, animal, and plant, who always point me back to my original instructions.

With respect and awe,



Celebrating the Medicine of Spring!